Talk about audiobooks...
Here is something to chew on from Wired magazine.
Everything about running and reading...
For the past few weeks I have been increasing the mileage of my weekend long run steadily. Couple of weekends ago, on saturday, I completed my first 9 miler on WOD trail( in 2 hours. Felt great to discover that I was actually capable of doing a 9 miler. On tuesday, I went for my 5 mile tempo, ignoring little bit of pain that I was experiencing on the outer side of my left foot. I figured the pain was nothing to be bothered about, since I already had quite a bit of rest over the last couple of days. Guess what? It got worse and despite the RICE (Rest Ice Compress Elevate) treatment I have been laid low for last couple of weeks.
Great Expectations By Charles Dickens is perhaps the most wonderful story I have ever read. The audio book by RecordedBooks is about 16 hrs long and I have a feeling that people would enjoy it more than the text. The narrator Frank Muller has done a fantastic job of bringing out the roller-coaster ride of emotions that this book is. I don't consider myself to be even worthy of reviewing it. You have to listen to/read it yourself to decide if you liked it.
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