Saturday, January 28, 2006

Show me the money

Running is not really a "cheap" sport as one may be inclined to think.

For starters, one needs a good pair of shoes based the foot type. Those old pair of tennis shoes, not really a good idea! This is a basic necessity even if you're a recreational runner (running less than 25 miles per week). Be prepared to pay anywhere from $75 and up. The pair I use is Asics GT 2100 and it costs about $80. And don't forget the running socks. Another $10. Those cotton socks don't breathe so I'd stay away from them.

Next come the clothes. Cotton shorts and t-shirt tend to chafe. Not really a good experience on a long run (greater than 5 miles). Typical costs is $50. I prefer Nike DRI-FIT apparel that cost me about $50.

I prefer to run with a heart rate monitor. A good HRM costs about $100. I use Nike Triax C6 that cost me about $85.

Running is a lonely sport so carrying some music around is a good idea. Those walkmans are thing of the past. MP3 players are much cooler and lighter. Flash memory based MP3 player work great as they are immune to skipping. These may cost anywhere from $60 to $250. I use iPod nano (details in another post) which cost me $250 + another $75 for accessories.

I've covered the "bare essentials". If one is pulling out all the stops, one might consider winter gloves, winter jacket, cap, water carrying equipment etcetera. Not to mention sun block cream, vaseline, gatorate, sports bars and gel, books on running and subscription to Runner's World.

So now you know why I run. Because after spending all this money, if I don't, I would be left with just these gears and no wife.

On a serious note, I started out small (with just the shoes and socks) and added what I felt was necessary as I went along. Guess you would feel better and you consider it as investment in your health.

So to borrow the punchline from mastercard:

Running shoes $80, Running socks $10, HRM $90.
The joy or running Priceless!!!

Happy running!


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